Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Recent Bookings

Perform a free Goodlettsville Tennessee arrest records search, including mugshots, jail roster, recent arrests, and active booking logs.

The Goodlettsville Police Department is an accredited law enforcement agency located in Tennessee. The department is comprised of 4 main divisions: administration, criminal investigations, field operations and emergency communications. The administration division is made up of the command staff of the department. There is a chief, 3 commanders, and a lieutenant. The criminal investigations division is responsible for all investigations conducted by the department. The detectives in the division are trained in death investigations, crime scene processing, and interview and interrogation. The field operations division is responsible for patrolling the city, enforcing laws and ordinances, conducting traffic enforcement, and investigating traffic accidents. The emergency communications is responsible for answering all 911 calls and dispatching the appropriate services, such as police, fire, or EMS. The department also provides community programs, like the neighborhood watch program, the Citizens Police Academy, community relations programs, and the annual National Night Out Against Crime.

The overall crime rate in Goodlettsville is 35% higher than the national average. The violent crime rate is 18% lower than the national average. The residents of Goodlettsville have a 1 in 30 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. Goodlettsville is statistically safer than 26% of all cities in the United States and safer than 38% of all cities in the state of Tennessee.

The annual crime rate in Goodlettsville per 100,000 people was 3,358 in the year 2019. Of the 3,358 crimes committed there were approximately 17.7 rapes, 94.3 robberies, 200.3 assaults, 229.7 burglaries, 2,485.9 thefts and 329.9 vehicle thefts. The year over year crime rate has decreased by 7%. Goodlettsville is rated “D” for public safety.

Gary L. Goodwin, Chief of Police
Phone: 615-859-3405

Goodlettsville Police Department
105 South Main Street
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Phone: 615-859-3405
Fax: 615-851-2226

Population Served: 12,500
Number of Officers: 33

Goodlettsville, Tennessee Information

Goodlettsville is located in north-central Tennessee. The city is part of both Davidson and Sumner Counties. The county seat of Davidson is Nashville and the county seat of Sumner is Gallatin. Goodlettsville covers a total of 14.49 square miles and has a population of 16,870. The city was incorporated in 1858. There are currently 63 registered sex offenders residing in the city.
Goodlettsville has a board of commissioners as their local form of government. There are 3 commissioners, a vice mayor, and a mayor. The current mayor is Rusty Tinnin. Tinnin was a firefighter in the city for 20 years before running for mayor. He was elected in 2020.

Contact the Mayor:

Rusty Tinnin
Phone: 615-300-7878
Email: [email protected]

Record Requests and Mugshots in Goodlettsville, Tennessee

Public records are available through the City Recorder’s Office. Record requests can be submitted in person, by mail, or electronically on the Goodlettsville Government website. Proof of Tennessee residency is required when submitting a request.

Police records are available through the Goodlettsville Police Department’s record unit. Record requests can be submitted in person or electronically on the police department’s website.

All persons arrested by the Goodlettsville Police Department are transported to the Davidson County Correctional Facility or the Sumner County Jail, depending on where in the city they were arrested.

The Davidson County Correctional Facility updates their jail roster every hour. The jail roster allows the public to search for an inmate and view their charges. The inmate’s bond information will be available as well. Inmate and jail records are available through the Davidson County Correctional Center’s record department. Record requests can be submitted in person, over the phone or online. To make an online request, visit the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office website.

The Sumner County Jail does not have a public inmate roster. For copies of inmate records and mugshots, call the jail at 615-442-1813.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Goodlettsville, Tennessee

The Sumner County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Gallatin, Tennessee. The office is composed of different divisions including patrol, K9, corrections and civil services. The Office is responsible for providing law enforcement, overseeing the County Jail, securing the courts and serving warrants and civil processes papers.

The Sumner County Sheriff’s Office does not currently offer a public warrant search. For information on criminal and civil warrants, contact the warrants division.

Michael Byrd, Civil Warrants
Phone: 615-442-1826

Chelsea Thomas, Criminal Warrants
Phone: 615-442-1825

Sumner County Sheriff’s Office
117 W Smith Street
Gallatin, TN 37066
Phone: 615-452-2616

The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Nashville, Tennessee. The office is composed of approximately 1,000 employees.

The Sheriff’s Office does not provide a public warrant search or most wanted list.

Davidson County Sheriff’s Office
1 Jerry Newson Way
Nashville, TN 37201
Phone: 615-862-8170

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Recent Bookings

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