Inmate Record Check
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The Coopertown Police Department is a law enforcement agency located in Tennessee. The department is composed of 3 divisions: investigations, records and training. The criminal investigations division is responsible for investigating criminal activity that occurs within the Coopertown Municipal City Limits. Most criminal activity is initially investigated by a patrol officer and then later assigned to a CID detective for more extensive investigation. The records division is responsible for maintaining the agency’s police reports, crash reports, citations and other various documents. The records clerk’s duties include data entry, gathering data and updating crime statistics. The training division is responsible for providing training for the department, in addition to organizing training for the community and other law enforcement agencies. Newly hired police officers undergo field training before working as a solo officer. The department provides community programs such as the community engagement unit, operation Lend-A-Hand, Shop with a Cop and the Explorer program.
The overall crime rate in Coopertown is 58% lower than the national average. The violent crime rate is 77% lower than the national average. The residents of Coopertown have a 1 in 96 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. Coopertown is statistically safer than 76% of all cities in the United States and safer than 80% of all cities in Tennessee.
The annual crime rate in Coopertown per 100,000 people was 1,046 in the year 2020. Of the 1,046 crimes committed, there were approximately 87.1 assaults, 261.4 burglaries, 610 thefts and 87.1 vehicle thefts. Coopertown is rated “A” for public safety.
Tyler Haley, Chief of Police
Phone: 615-382-7007 ext 205
Email: [email protected]
Coopertown Police Department
2525 Burgess Gower Road
Springfield, TN 37172
Phone: 615-382-7007
Population Served: 4,500