Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Recent Bookings

Perform a free Erwin Tennessee arrest records search, including mugshots, jail roster, recent arrests, and active booking logs.

The Erwin Police Department is an accredited law enforcement agency located in Tennessee. The department is composed of 3 main divisions: patrol, criminal investigations and drug lab division. The patrol division is responsible for patrolling the city and enforcing laws and ordinances. These officers are the first on the scene of a crime. The criminal investigations division investigates and solves crimes from simple vandalism to homicide. There is 1 criminal investigator in the division. The drug lab division is composed of 4 clandestine drug lab certified officers. There is 1 drug lab officer on each shift. These officers are responsible for testing substances and responding to drug activity calls.

The overall crime rate in Erwin is 18% lower than the national average. The violent crime rate is 36% higher than the national average. The residents of Erwin have a 1 in 49 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. Erwin is statistically safer than 22% of all cities in the United States and safer than 32% of cities in the state of Tennessee.

The annual crime rate in Erwin per 100,000 people was 2,043 in the year 2019. Of the 2,043 crimes committed there were approximately 68.7 rapes, 446.3 assaults, 206 burglaries, 1,047 thefts and 274.6 vehicle thefts. The annual crime rate has increased by 34%. Erwin is rated “D” in public safety.

Regan Tilson, Chief of Police

Erwin Police Department
211 North Main Avenue
Erwin, TN 37650
Phone: 423-743-1870
Fax: 423-743-3983

Population Served: 6,000
Number of Officers: 12

Erwin, Tennessee Information

Erwin is located in central Tennessee. The town is the county seat of Unicoi County. Erwin covers a total of 4.131 square miles and has a population of 5,921. There are approximately 2,470 households in the town. Erwin was incorporated in 1903.

Erwin operated with a Board of Mayor and Aldermen form of government. The government meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5:30 pm at the Town Hall. There are 5 aldermen. The current mayor is Glenn White.

Contact the Mayor:

Glenn White
Phone: 423-743-6231
Email: [email protected]

Record Requests and Mugshots in Erwin, Tennessee

Public records are available through the Erwin Town Clerk’s Office. Record requests must be submitted in person. Proof of Tennessee residency is required for copies of records.

Police records are available through the Erwin Police Department. Record requests must be submitted in person. Accident, arrest, incident and offense reports are available as long as the investigation is closed.

All persons arrested by the Erwin Police Department are transported to and housed in the Unicoi County Jail. The jail does not have a current inmate roster. For inmate records and mugshots, contact the jail at 423-743-1858.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Erwin, Tennessee

The Unicoi County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Erwin, Tennessee. The office is responsible for serving the courts, providing courthouse security, providing law enforcement, providing public services and overseeing the jail. The office is composed of 4 main divisions: patrol, criminal investigations, K9 and corrections.

The Sheriff’s Office does not have a public warrant search or a most wanted list. Active warrant information is available in person only.

Unicoi County Sheriff’s Office
1570 Jackson Love Highway
PO Box 8
Erwin, TN 37650
Phone: 423-743-1864

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Recent Bookings

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